All I pay my psychiatrist is the cost of feed and hay, and he'll listen to me any day.....Author Unknown
Let me begin by saying that I don't have a degree in psychiatry, nor have I ever seen a psychiatrist. I haven't even played one on TV (although I have stayed at a Holiday Inn).....but I digress.
What I do know is that there is a lot of talk out there about ways to be happier and I have one small suggestion you may want to consider trying....I call it Wet Nose Therapy. For all you dog/cat owners out there - you know what I'm talking about.
There are many moment's in a day when we could all use some wet nose therapy.
- You wake up exhausted and just want to pull the covers over your head
- You had a lousy day at work
- You had a fight with your best friend, boyfriend, spouse (no Hubby I don't mean you)
- You got a speeding ticket, didn't get the job, spilled your coffee on yourself....
- Insert your own scenario here
Then something happens......a wet nose nudges your hand or head butts you, and instantly there is someone saying "Hey, it's ok. I understand you even if no one else does. And even if you didn't get the job, drive too fast, broke up with loser (No Hubby, not you), I still love you and that's all that matters."
You can sit and talk to them without judgement for hours on end and they will just listen and they will love you no matter what you tell them....How amazing is that?
I currently live with 2 psychiatrists:
Kim cat (my 20 lb baby)
Daisy Mae (my 10 lb street tough).
Daisy is my snuggle bug who never misses a moment to show her extreme affection for whoever is present. On a bad day I only have to pick her up and within seconds the wet nose makes things a little brighter. Now Kim Kat's a different story as he's my "own terms" cat. As in, I will snuggle with you on my own terms. Yet, somehow he always manages to sense when I could use some support and he's there with a gentle head butt to your leg to just say "Hey."
If you don't currently have any 4 legged doctors on staff, I highly suggest looking into getting one. I myself would have a dog doctor as well if not due to my severe allergic reaction to them. I have a lesser allergy to cats as well (God's way of keeping me from adopting every stray out there) but a strong supply of allergy medicine makes things tolerable.
If you don't currently have any 4 legged doctors on staff, I highly suggest looking into getting one. I myself would have a dog doctor as well if not due to my severe allergic reaction to them. I have a lesser allergy to cats as well (God's way of keeping me from adopting every stray out there) but a strong supply of allergy medicine makes things tolerable.
Some of the health benefits of owning a cat or dog include:
- lower blood pressure - particularly stroking dogs and cats
- reduced heart rate
- relaxation
- a mood boost through increased serotonin levels (feel-good hormone)
- increased social interaction - see Dogs and Autism
- develop outward focus
- improve confidence & self-esteem
So if you are looking for some alternative medicine, my advice would be to take two of these and call me in the morning....... :)